Always was, always will be.

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When those dear to us leave this world, their absence is deeply felt. But their memory lives on within the home they once inhabited. The walls and floors still remember their footsteps, the familiar creaks, and the echoes that resonate with their presence. The furniture and belongings they once cherished become touchstones, invoking memories of their touch, their scent, and their unique way of being.
A home becomes a sanctuary of remembrance, where we can seek solace in the memories of those who have departed. In every room, we can hear their laughter, feel their warm embrace, and recall the conversations shared. Their energy lingers, intertwined with the very fabric of the space as if they are still a part of it.

Software and equipment used

Blender and Photoshop

29 June 2023

Final Render...
I hope that it could be a reminder that a home is not merely a structure, but a vessel that holds memories, love, and the essence of those who have inhabited it.

29 June 2023

As we go through life, our homes become intertwined with our personal stories and experiences. Every room, every corner, carries the echoes of the lives that once filled it. The photographs on the walls capture smiles frozen in time, reminding us of the faces we hold dear. The familiar objects and possessions evoke a sense of nostalgia, transporting us back to moments shared with loved ones.