The pleasant smell of tea

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Since the theme of this challenge is home, I was looking for something that reminds me of home. Maybe everyone has the experience of time travel by a stimulus such as smell, taste, sight, sound, word, etc. Travel to a bitter or sweet memory or a specific place or time.
Home is the place where many of our memories are formed, and any feeling that brings us back to those memories evokes an image of home for us.
In Iranian house architecture, the porch is used as a semi-closed space facing the yard, for spending good times with the family. I have experienced it in the past; the pleasant feeling of drinking tea with my family on the porch.
The ignited samovar, and the smell of tea on the porch, has established a feeling in me. It is a nostalgic feeling that reminds me of home and being with my family every time with the tea smell.

Software and equipment used

3dsmax, corona, photoshop

28 April 2023

final render

28 April 2023

final render

28 April 2023

wireframe and final render

28 April 2023

- plant modeling and texture
-making material objects and testing light
-simulation of tea steam